Winter Holidays Offer - New Year's Eve || Epiphany

Hotel Offer for New Year's Eve - Epiphany

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"It doesn't matter what you find under the tree on Christmas, but who you've got around it "

Our bet for these Christmas holidays is to recreate within the Relais San Giovanni a familiar atmosphere, so we can bringup emotions and the spirit of Christmas.

We invite you to spend your holidays with us,
warm you with a tasty herbal tea in our lounge,
reading a book in the door next to the chimney or
enjoying a few hours relaxation in our Spa Prima Rosa.

Our #Winterholidays offer is valid for the period of New Year's Eve and Epiphany.

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Hotel Relais San Giovanni

Via Cavalieri del Lavoro, 37 angolo via Malpasso San Giovanni in Marignano 47842 (Rn)
Tel. +39 0541/956205 /
P.Iva 00049390412 -Privacy & Cookie Policy - Cookie preferences - CIR: 099017-AL-00001

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Credits TITANKA! Spa